Jan 29, 2009


With the downturn in the economy, it's very possible that your "secure" job isn't so safe. Here are a few things to consider when heading for the worst.

1. Unemployment Office.  Go to your local unemployment office or file online for unemployment benefits as soon as possible. It may be possible to get up to one-half of your old wages.

2. Emergency Savings. While you still have a job, make sure you are contributing as much as you can afford to your "emergency" savings account each payday. If  you have it done automatically through your bank or employer, you won't even notice it being taken out. Ideally, you should have enough in the account to provide for you for a few months.

3. Other Work.  Get a part-time job or work as a consultant.

4. IRA/401(k)/CDs/Investments.  Tap into these only as a last resort. The tax implications of early withdrawal can be pretty hefty.