Feb 1, 2009

Just Use Cash

You know the story. You go into the grocery store for a few items totaling $10 and end up with 18 things, right? Even too many for the express checkout. Fifty bucks later at the checkout you swipe your debit/credit card and think nothing of it. 

But what if you only had cash? No cards, no checks, just cash. You couldn't buy those extra things. It makes you count the pennies just so you don't go over $10. Did you really need those things or did you just buy them because they were there and you might need them soon? 

Can you get the additional items for less money at another store like Wal-Mart, KMart or Target? 

By carrying cash with you and using it to pay for your items, you force yourself to buy only the things you went in for. And that makes your bank account breathe a sigh of relief.

Don't like to carry cash but still want to really tighten the budget? Purchase a gift card for yourself at your favorite grocery store each month and use it to pay for your groceries. You'll know exactly how much you spend each time and how much is left for the rest of the month as the balance goes down on the card.