May 31, 2008

Cutting Back

I know it's hard to eliminate things in your life that you really need, but there are ways to save a few bucks and not feel deprived.

1. Internet-Do you really need the super-fast cable modem or will dial-up or DSL work for you? Usually DSL is much cheaper and if your computer is newer you may not notice the speed difference in most of your internet use.

2. Home Phone - How much do you really use the home phone? Can you get away with just your cell phone? Do you make a lot of long distance calls? Can you use your cell phone instead for the long distance calls? These are all questions to consider when thinking of pulling the plug on the landline phone.

3. A/C - If you live in a pretty temperate climate, you may be able to get away with not using the A/C as much. Tip: During the day if you are not home, shut the blinds and curtains. This will keep the hot sunlight out and keep your house/apartment cool.

4. Cable - Yes, cable TV is nice, but it's expensive. I have a digital package now through Comcast and it's expensive, but I did cut back. One of my favorite shows one of the few things I watched on HBO won't begin its new season until the fall because of the writer's strike. I was going to keep HBO through the summer, but I decided to cancel it. But here's the sweet part: some HBO shows (hopefully my show will be added to the list) will now be available on iTunes. So instead of spending the extra 15 bucks a month for HBO, I can spend $8 a month and buy them from iTunes.